Rabu, 30 November 2016


Assalamualaikum and Hi...
Hope to be blessed by Him for past, present and future... Insyallah..

I touched my eyes, its blink
I reach my heart, its beat
I smell the scent, it is diverse
I draw my mind, it go wild.

What did I do
Where will I go
Who will be with me
Through this long journey
Befriend me the best
For me to not got to different paths

Tired on this road
Yet surrounds did not know me
Despite try to understand me
One never been in my shoes.

Tired on this road
As the one of high expectation
As high level like others thought
As the one that used to live
I've ruined the rainbow

I touched my eyes and its raining
I reached my heart and its bleed
I smell the scent and its ever nice
I draw my mind and its beyond control.

p/s: this pieces was due to the uncontrollably of the adrenaline rush from Velvet di Durham by Aishah Madidy... such a good novel that drew back my interest in literature... Its been long time since I am into poetry... I miss the moment to relate everything. I miss the moment to draw the imagination through words. I miss the moment to  imagine the scenes. Line by line. Words by words. poured everything.
And through this good, I've found this.
"credo ergo posum"
~I believe, therefore I can~

and my expectation on my own piece instead of the 'running' thesis was like reaching the end of the ocean with a chain on the beach... hard to achieve for this moment. Just wait for the right time, to let out the right things to the right medium with the right, fresh idea..

-take care on this season onward-

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