Selasa, 8 November 2016

The Power of Du’a: Trial and Tribulation part 1

Assalamualaikum and hi..
Semoga kita semua sentiasa berada dalam rahmat Allah Azzawajalla. Moga dipermudahkan juga segala urusan kita selagimana ianya selari dengan kehendak syariatNya, juga diperlembutkan hati mereka-mereka yang bakal berurusan dengan kita samada secara direct ataupun indirect. Sesunguhnya kesan hadirnya insan-insan yan berurusan dengan kita ini, sedikit sebanyak memberi impak dalam kehidupan. Samada kita sedar atau tidak, ianya tetap terkesan... Semoga Allah permudahkan perjalanan kita tanpa tergelincir dari panduanNya. Amin, amin Ya Robbal ‘Alamin.
Just a short note, before starting this entry. This writing will be more on ‘rojak words’ of malay, english as well as the ‘bahasa pasar’ as in short term of some words. Might be displeasure for certain things, but it is the platform for me to share. *Because I don’t really know how to make a santai reading, yet to make easier for me to pour everything. And this gonna be long.

Last week, a friend of mine just move in to the house. She just finished her viva vocee with minor correction. Alhamdulillah for that. Few days after, she stepped on my room and had a small chit chat about our survival in finishing this level of study. Which make her leave me with a stunned in my heart. Yap, on these past few weeks was something to me and she did make me reflecting on those words. What was it..?
Wani, aku minta doa je. Aku doa supaya Allah mudahkan urusan belajar aku. Aku doa supaya Allah tunjukkan jalan untuk aku habis dengan cepat. Spesifik dengan doa yang nak mintak tu. Mungkin mu dah biasa dengar orang cakap, everything, kita kena minta dengan Allah, tapi ni, aku nak repeat balik. Doa la banyak. Aku ni, keep repeating doa yang sama tak tahu berapa juta kali dah. Sampai satu tahap, aku nangis.”
Tu, part of apa yang dia bagitau. Tapi inputnya, I did gather here and there to make a solid picture of interpretation of my own. Betul seperti apa yang dia katakan. I keep listened to the same advices for countless time. Tapi apa yang saya nak highlightkan kat sini, kalau hati kita masa tu, tak terbuka pun untuk dengar nasihat tu, ibarat mencurah air ke daun keladi. Tapi perumpamaan tu, saya nak ubah dalam kamus hidup saya. Secara positifnya curah air ke daun keladi memang takkan ada effect, tapi at the same time, air tu jugaklah yang menyuburkan keladi tu untuk terus hidup.  
Mungkin akan ada yang terfikir “Whatever...” but, if you do the reflection, some trivial things can change the way of your thinking. Try to do the reflection and see the results.
Kembali kepada keadaan tadi. After she did leave me, saya termenung. Sebeb sebelum tu pun, saya ada consult seorang sahabat tentang masalah hati. Dan ianya selari dengan nasihat sahabat yang satu tu. Dan bila dicantumkan kembali, semuanya bermula dengan diri sendiri. Betulkan diri sendiri, do the reflection dan keep on making du’a. Sebab apa? Sebab hati kita, Allah yang pegang. Minta sungguh-sungguh dengan  DIA untuk mudahkan perjalanan kita menujuNya dan minta juga supaya DIA kekalkan hati kita dalam genggamanNya dan jangan biarkan DIA bolak-balikkan hati kita ni.
That sahabat was tagging me this track on my Facebook. At some point, this song did touched me in some part in, order to sooth me.. Jazakallahu khairan kathira.

thanks, sahabat for this soothing track..!

And starting on that moment, I do make du’as. Specific one. I even mention everything that my heart feel the load of. For HIM to make smooth for me.
At the same time, I did have problem with my project and it turn, seriously, not as expected. Dan saya tau kemampuan saya bila things turned not as planned. Rasa takut nak jumpa supervisor untuk consult balik pasal project tu. Rasa diri sendiri tu, tak guna sebab lately, all my works were all rubbish. Rasa tidak layak untuk berada pada tahap sekarang yang sesetengah orang pandang level ini, hebat. Rasa berat untuk terus dalam project. Rasa nak give up. Semuanya negatif pada masa itu. But I hold to the advices. Minta dengan Allah, bersungguh-sungguh without fail. Walaupun mulut terasa berat macamana pun, hati terasa nak give up tahap gaban, emosi terganggu bak ombak musim tengkujuh sekalipun, just keep on making du’a.
On the first day of this week, rasa down gila-gila sebab expectation saya tentang project tu, menjunam, bawah lagi pada taraf sifar. Dalam bahasa pengajian saya sekarang, begini ayatnya, “reaction tak jadi. Sebab TLC does not show the product bla bla bla.” Kalau nak explain tu, memang panjang dan ditambah lagi dengan masa makin suntuk untuk terus buat reactions seterusnya. Dan rasa down tu, memang affect my emotion on that day.
To sooth things out, I did make a call to my mom. But, it turned that I just ruined my emotion’s control when she did say this out with calm dan penuh pengharapan. Yes, it hurt in a way bila orang cakap dengan kita, dengan penuh harapan. Tambah-tambah lagi bila mak sendiri.
“Buat kerja elok-elok, biar cepat habis.” Tak sempat habis ayat tu, my tears just went down without control. Yes. Emotion damaged. And she did misunderstood of something when I did rang her. Dan salah faham tu, menambahkan lagi level of emotion damages tu. Thanks to Allah, at that time, no one was with me.
Worst thing worse, my supervisor was asking the progress of the project, and I asked to meet her untuk senang explained and consulted the situation. Sort of.
Meeting her in the office, I were pushed myself harder to get ready with the emotion control. And I even told her that my emotion was not that good, so she might ignore that side of me.
But, when she did asked me, what to do next since all the latest reactions of mine It just a waste because none of that can be used to further for application. And without signals, the tears just came down again, and she did panicked. This is the first time of me being like that in front of her. After a few moment, I managed to control myself, to discuss further about the project. Saya kuatkan diri untuk tanya tentang limit projek saya. Berapa set limit yang nak di sintesiskan? Memang nak kena set the limitation based on other RU (Research University) without considering our own situation?
All those questions make me feel sick. Sick of being me. Sick of those non-stop works. Tapi, kalu tak berendam air mata, bukan student postgraduate namanya. Memang kita dimomokkan begitu. Tapi, sampai bila? Tu soalan pada diri sendiri. Dan memang saya sambung nangis sampai keluar bilik supervisor without capai kata sepakat tentang my next move. Tapi ada ayat yang memang dok repeat dengan sendiri di telinga dan minda.
“Saya dah tak nak tengok benda yang sama lagi. Cari yang lain sampai dapat.” Task ini hanya diberi tempoh yang singkat untuk saya siapkan dengan limitation carian saya berdasarkan apa yang kami ada. Situasi itu, seriously, I can’t figured out the exact words to imagine the sitaution was.
Dan betul seperti yang saya bayangkan, the damage of my emotion control was as negatif below the iceberg. The whole morning after meeting her was my rainy day. All my collegues were worrying about me, and I did felt very pathetic of being me myself on that condition. Even, people on the lab were seeing me with worry. I dont know. I can’t even started my work to search on the task. Seriously, masa tu menangis macam tak ingat dunia. Cuba untuk control, tapi, it just flow. I even try harder than usual to calm myself, yet it did not work. I tried to sleep, but I just can’t. My mind keep thinking about the task and at the same time reflecting my actions here and there that caused me to cry that hard for that moment. Also worried about the period to finish the task was too short. After a few moment of reflecting, my mind decided to stop all the emotional feeling and do the counter-emotion controlled.
I end up to sit back at my workplace and scrolling down the search page scientifically. Try hard for every keywords and structure that came to my mind. And
I perform Zohor and make du’as with my whole heart. Amazingly, not a single tears came down. But as I started to recite the Quran, the first ayat I’ve try to pronounce, rasa sebak sampai tak keluar suara untuk sebut ayat tu. End up, baca dalam hati, tapi seriusly, masa tu tahap kebergantungan kepada Allah untuk selesaikan semua ni, memang 100% and more. Sampailah  kepada ayat ke 74 surah Al-Baqarah:

“Kemudian hatimu menjadi keras seperti batu, bahkan lebih keras lagi. Padahal diantara batu-batu itu, ada yang mengalir sungai-sungai darinya  dan diantaranya, ada yang terbelah, lalu keluarlah mata air darinya dan diantaranya ada yang meluncur jatuh kerana takut kepada Allah. Dan Allah sekali-kali tidak lalai dari apa yang kamu kerjakan.”

Continue to next part.. sebab rasa terlalu panjang utk satu entry.
But believe me, have strong faith on HIM. It works..!

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