Rabu, 24 Ogos 2016

Strength capsule

Assalamualaikum and hi. 

Semoga Allah pinjamkan kekuatan dan ketabahanNya kepada, kita hamba yang sering lalai dengan urusan dunia dan juga terlalu mengikut nafsu...

The truth is, I really really need that strength capsules.. And this is the site that I can pour everything, randomly without anybody noticing the situation. The truth is my emotion state does not resemble the innerself of me lately.. Not knowing the exact reasons, but I think as 'lady emotion' can be a solid reason to give as an excuse. Tapi sebenarnya, deep down, I know the real reason of the situation. It just, the me, does not want the situation getting worse, and creating the awkward environment. I really hate it.

So, I hope this can sooth my heart in a way, and also as future reference for me and you (to whom read this)

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You the one have been chosen to be in this path. He know how much strength did your soul posses to face it.

Beautiful Inspirational islamic Quran Quotes in English
Ni teguran secara direct bila you've drown in your own circumstance.

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Betul. Selalu mengharapkan yang sooner or later, sisa-sisa kekuatan yang ada ni, boleh bertahan sampai akhir. Tapi still, kita mengharapkan pengakhiran yang baik untuk setiap sesuatu tu.

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Kan... Verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Dua kali peringatan ni dalam Al-quran.
Dan sebenarnya kita rasa pahit usaha kita terbalas dengan manisnya kejayaan tu.

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I am holding on this. Dan tambah satu lagi. Pelangi lepas hujan. Tak ramai yang ambil peduli dengan ciptaanNya yang itu. Hanya ketika things getting worse, we will find something to sooth our hardship. 

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Jangan lupa, duhai diri, semua yang ada di muka bumi ni, atas perhatian Allah. Even you just tapping the table untuk hilangkan kebosanan.. So, mohon pada Allah supaya Dia tak lepaskan hati kita, perlakuan kita, tutur kata kita juga perasaan dan masa depan kita daripada 'pandangan dan perhatian' DIA.

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Ingat, Allah selalu ada untuk hambaNya.. Usaha, usaha dan usaha lagi. Sebenarnya, samada cukup atau tidak kita mohon pada Dia. Adakalanya, kita tak pinta pun, Dia bagi. Semua tu, kadang tak terkira, langsung kita tak sedar.

beautiful islamic quotes
HE know limit bagi setiap hambaNya. The test, solely for strengthen ourselves to face a more hardship.. Bukan sekadar test tanpa tujuan. Jarang kita sedari benda ni. Paling ringan kita buat mengeluh. Dan at the end, sakit sebenarnya bila kita tak terima kenyataan yang kita sebenarnya di uji.

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We live, we love, we let it go.

Beautiful Islamic Quotes & Verses From Quran
Just one way to hold on every hardship is to always know that HE always watching over you. He never fails to attend you. He know every single drop tears of yours. HE know every ticking time you spent. HE know everything about you. And HE also know something that you do not know about yourself better.

believe in Him. He never fails to reply you.

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