Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

Spell of Love

Assalamualaikum and hi...
Semoga sentiasa  dalam rahmat Allah Azzawajalla hendaknya... Amin..

The title comes out from the Wrecking Ball lyrics since I am listening to it at the first hit on this entry.
Truly true, we hardly can spell the love in right term. Eventhough the situation sounds enough to face it. But we will never spell it right… this is me…
Image result for spell of love

In this current circumstance, love is being such a word with beauty and pain as well..
In the meantime, I do wonder myself, if I really deserve enough to have it.
Most of the time, I sucked myself in giving and return this one full feeling…
The self-control as well as my self-destruction were aware of what have been in me.
And to say it worst, for time being, I am really not myself in expressing any feeling. The stresses are everywhere. The seeking for stress reliever was failed, and I myself destroyed myself thru every single kicking seconds.
Yes, it’s killing for what have I feel.
And not knowing how to move on. It just stuck on the earth.
I know this some sort of blabbering…. But I’ve had enough with people. Never knew that I’ll start to feel boring towards people…
Maybe my current situation; which means I am not good in relationship.
Habluminallah, habluminannas, habluminal ‘alami.
Allahu..this way of feeling make me sick..  on how to control myself, on how to react to other..
Image result for love hadith

Yes, we ourselves have our own fight.. our own circumstances.
And along with it, comes the surrounding to test and also to keep us on track…
You need to open up a bit for the light…

Allahu… bantu aku ya Allah…

just a random on me, in these stressful situation and relation..

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