Assalamualaikum and hi to
all.. semoga sentiasa dalam lindungan rahmatNya... In sya Allah.. amin..
Saya tau yang blog ni
sedikit cacamerba, serabut serabai dan sedikit bersarang (banyak sebenarnya)
dengan sawang-sawang kekosongan.. Muahaha..
For this entry, I would like to
share something.. Tapi, I am laughing through and through bila ingat benda ni…
I am the one with braces suffering
(Suffer la sangat kan.. muahahaa.. xpun sebenarnya).. and the last appointment
with orthodontic specialist was like a big WHOA when you need to put on some
elastic on your braces untuk kemaskan kedudukan gigi yang dah nampak jarangnya
(instead of the main reasons of applying the treatment). It just take for about
30 to 45 minutes for this time.
During the session, the doc asked
me to try to put the elastic on my own. Untuk belajar dan biasakn diri
sebenarnya. And the first try make my gum bleed. Not panic enough to cry out
loud, but enough to make me terpaku sort of. Macam dalam kepala dok fikir, ‘Takkan
setiap kali nak apply, I’ve to bleed my gum?’.. Tapi doc tu kata, bleeding tu
benda biasa sebab besi tu terlalu rapt dengan gusi dan memang akan berdarah
sebab kedudukannya yang terlalu rapat. Idea the doc untuk cungkil sedikit besi
tu make me feel worse. I’ve had enough of ulcer to add some more… **my mind
laugh at this.. coz, it is everytime I’ve got that, my friends will worrying
about me like I am not have enough to eat. =)
Tapi ceritanya, bukan masa specialist session.. tapi bila dah sampai rumah. I got few persons in my house that concern lebih about my braces and my teeth. Well, ‘orang-orang tua’ kat rumah tu tak de la nak kisah sangat pasal gigi, besi dan elastic bagai.. But when it comes to my anak sedara everyone want to be a specialist in dentist specifically in orthodontic. Setiap kali balik dari specialist review, memang kena hadap bebudak tu untuk cerita dan tunjuk apa yang berubah ecetra ecetra.. Mak pun tumpang dengar la anak dia dok cerita kat cucu-cucu beliau..
On one fine morning, I was trying to put on the butterfly elastic in front of the mirror (opkos kena tengok cermin).. tetiba, one of the is coming and give me one ‘elastic’ and say, “Nini, ni getah untuk gigi nini.” Stop kejap and tengok kat getah yang dia bagi tu and then gelak bagai nak pecah perut sampai ayah pun keluar tengok and asked why.
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Getah bungkus nasi and my elastics. Beza kan...? |
Last few days were the day of
school holidays to start. Balik la anak sedara yang lain-lain… Kena ulang
cerita, but it seems to have fun to see their expressions. Valuables. The desires to dig the knowledge walaupun
baru berapa anak tangga umur… Alahai la~~…
Sampai satu tahap,
“Nini, nak tengok getah!”
And they were ‘gitaring’ my elastic
everytime nak tengok tu… Walaupun dah pesan jangan sentuh…
Alahai laa. Layan je la...
Dah la ye,.. Feeling cam dah panjang pulak mereport, mengadu dan menconteng di dada keyboard ni..*I'm having trouble with my keyboard... few keys appears not to work properly..*sigh*
In Sya Allah, we will celebrating the month of blessing this coming weeks.. Moga amal kita betambah dan menjadi asbab untuk kita bertemu dengan Kekasih-Kekasih di alam sana...
Oh lupa nak share something..
Buka Surat Cinta (Al-Quran).
Go through this ayah [Al-Israa':80]
Selamat beramal...
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