Rasa disebalik rasa
Am doing all kind of stories so that hoping it will come true for my future. Want it that way sebab am not believing in love before marriage and prejudice with love after marriage.
Am no good in relation with different gender cause tak nak jadi cepat sangat perasan... Well.. girl, woman and emotion cannot be separate..
Am build a strong concrete wall to that kind of topic because i dont want to be hurt or hurting others. Like i always did..
Hurting myself with my own action is okee. But when it is involving other, it turns to be not so good deep inside me.
A person, once told me that, i am the kind of weird homo sapiens species which is the way i am thinking is too kind to think about other.. To good to apply in real world. To honest in relationship (couldnot find the right word)
As for me, i just want everyone to be happy. Not just remembering the past, but forever apply it in our daily life till forever..
Pegang pada janji Allah... Buat baik dibalas baik... Biar walau balasan adalah di akhirat sana... What goes around comes around... Karma..
When talking about relationship, it do feel hurt when we do know the person we got feelings of, is kinda of like other person that we know...
And for me... Let it be.. It was not the things that ended my life.. Its more to teach me a lesson about life...
Yeah, some people do think that life is suck.. But, open up your mind, you will see the other sides of the 'suck' that actually more colourful than black and white with grey.. Dont bother about that three colour of doom, but when they combine with other colour, they look great.. Just like the prism, rainbow, sunshine, sunset etc etc.. Love them in their own style...
Love is good
Love is suck
We do the choice
Do it well...
my way to keep, my sites to pour, my place to rely on and also my cheessy musshy things on board!!!
Rabu, 3 Februari 2016
Catatan (Atom)
Dear you 4
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